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Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen: Capturing the Vibrant flavors of a World-Class Cuisine

Smoky Shredded Chicken and Potatoes with Roasted Tomatoes

Page 322

Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Tags: essential quick-cooked tomato-chipotle sauce

Recipe Review

28th April 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

A fantastic combination of tender shredded chicken and sautéed potatoes and onions in a smoky tomato-chipotle sauce. Basic ingredients, yet so much flavour, and relatively quick to prepare….once the sauce is done, and that can be done in advance, this is a 30-minute meal!

The dish starts with a quick cooked sauce of roasted tomatoes, garlic and dried chipotles. I used canned peppers en adobo, and only half the amount as it seemed spicy enough for my family. After a quick sear of the sauce, skinless chicken thighs are braised in it. Meanwhile, shredded potatoes are browned in a pan with onions. Once done, the chicken is shredded and everything is combined and topped with queso fresco and avocado.

I thought my family would have difficulty sitting down to a plate of shredded meat and potatoes with a side salad so we had it as taco filling in corn tortillas (with a side salad). For a less casual meal, I would leave the chicken thighs whole and serve them on the bed of sautéed potatoes.

Definitely worth repeating.

(2) useful  


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