How To Eat In
By Adam Byatt
Bantam Press - 2010
ISBN: 059306464X

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How To Eat In

Mackerel with Caesar Salad

Page 190

| Course Type: Salads

(1 review)

Tags: fish mackerel fat fish salad olives black olives salad with fish/seafood

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5th June 2012

friederike from Berlin,

A very nice salad, but the dressing and the tapenade were much too strong in flavour! DB thinks that he might have added too much dressing, but that can't have been all. I guess it's at least worth it to try the salad without tapenade. Also, we omitted the anchovies in the salad right away - given that the dressing already was so strong flavoured (at least in part due to the anchovies it contained!) I guess that was a good decision.

We used smoked mackerel as our fish monger apparently only offers fresh mackerel on order, but that worked just as well as fresh fish.

(edited 4th April 2013) (0) comment (1) useful  

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