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Donna Hay Magazine

Issue 61 - Summer, 2012

Ginger and Coriander Marinated Fish

Page 118

Cuisine: Asian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Tags: fish lean fish bbq

Recipe Review

20th July 2012

friederike from Berlin,

In contrast to the Prawn Fried Rice we had earlier this week, this dish contained all the promising ingredients - soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger, garlic, fresh coriander (cilantro). The problem were the quantities - the recipe suggests marinating the fish in a marinade of 1 cup (250ml) soy sauce and a third cup oyster sauce (80ml) for an hour.

Just for comparison: one single tablespoon (15ml) of soy sauce contains 980mg of sodium, approximately half to two-thirds of the daily recommended intake - and then we haven't even mentioned the oyster sauce. Obviously, you shouldn't drink the marinade, or use it for a sauce, but yet you need little imagination to know that a marinade containing more than ten times your daily sodium allowance cannot be a good idea.

All other points are just minor in comparison, I guess. I would never recommend finely slicing a stalk of lemongrass - lemongrass works best crushed, infusing a simmering liquid like a bay leaf. Fresh coriander in a marinade hardly makes any difference, it works much better added to the fish after grilling.

How did it taste? Actually, the blend of ingredients was a good one. If you'd use just a few spoons of soy sauce and even less oyster sauce, adding the coriander just before serving and perhaps omitting the lemongrass - I could see that. We used sardines, which wasn't a good match with the soy sauce - any lean fish would probably work.

(3) useful  


aj12754 - 21st July 2012
Very smart, very useful review ... makes me wonder about how carefully the recipes are tested in this magazine.


digifish_books - 27th July 2012
Donna Hay magazine is full of lovely-looking recipes but I feel there is too much emphasis on food styling and not enough on recipe testing. Sad to say I rarely buy this magazine anymore.


friederike - 27th July 2012
I'm afraid you're right. I saw soo many gorgeous dishes in just this one edition, but after our experiences I doubt we'll try another one (and it's not like we don't have enough other recipes to test anyway :) ).


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