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Super Natural Every Day: Well-loved Recipes from My Natural Foods Kitchen

Sweet Panzanella

Page 189

| Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)

Tags: summer fruit cookbook club

Recipe Review

29th July 2012

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Crunchy, sweet, and great berry flavor. This was a surprising dish -- I had never really noticed it, I think because I had never associated "panzanella" with dessert. This dish was prepared by one of my friends for our cookbook club. No yellow raspberries were available, and so blackberries were substituted. The bread was a hearty whole wheat, and it was so perfect in this dish. A somewhat stale loaf is cut into cubes, coated with melted butter mixed with sugar and salt, and then baked till crisp.

This really tasted great. I can imagine it with other fruit, too, like nice juicy peaches.

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