The Union Square Cafe Cookbook: 160 Favorite Recipes from New York's Acclaimed Restaurant

Grilled Swordfish with Tomato & Roasted Pepper Compote
Page 144
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Review
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
Unless you are a real connoisseur of swordfish, I'd say the compote (tomatoes, roasted peppers, sauteed leeks and zucchini, golden raisins plumped in white wine, toasted pine nuts, garlic, balsamic vinegar, EVOO, and basil, S&P) is the show here. It would be good with grilled anything.
My compote was based on what I had available -- so fewer tomatoes and more roasted peppers than the recipe called for. The raisins were supposed to be briefly simmered in white wine but I put both in the microwave for 30 seconds and then let them come to room temperature before draining and adding the raisins to the compote. Also, rather than adding raw garlic to the compote, I briefly sauteed the garlic with the zucchini since I think raw garlic can be a little harsh or overpowering. Even with my somewhat past ready-for-primetime pine nuts, the compote was delicious.
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