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From the Earth to the Table: John Ash's Wine Country Cuisine

Grilled salmon with roasted white corn salsa

Page 150

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

9th August 2012

soupereasy from Wanaque, N.J

This recipe has 3 components, grilled salmon, roasted white corn salsa and warm basil cream.

They come together for a glorious meal...
and each of the components stands up on its' own.

Took the leftover corn salsa for lunch at work.

Tossed the leftover "warm basil cream" with some pasta for dinner another night. Think Alfredo with basil, have to say it was a lovely meal to come home to.

I would make this recipe again...I would also make the corn salsa and/or the basil cream on their own to have with other proteins or pasta.

(2) useful  


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