Great Good Food: Luscious Lower-Fat Cooking
Lemon Soufflé Pudding
Page 505
| Course Type: Desserts
Tags: citrus low-calorie
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Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
A lighter version of lemon pudding cake - with 2 eggs, skim milk, and only 170 calories per serving. The egg whites are beaten and folded in, and the end result is a layer of pudding at the bottom, and a light fluffy cake-like layer at the top.
The instructions say to bake until the top is brown. I found that the pudding was too soupy - and I wonder if another 5 minutes would have made a difference (probably it would have).
This was prepared as a reward for my son - he located the renegade hen who roosted in a tree instead of returning to our coop! It was well deserved.
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