By Janneke Philippi
Karakter Uitgevers - 2011
ISBN: 9789061129608

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Individual Apple Pies / Appeltaart in een bakje

Page 152

Cuisine: Dutch/Belgian | Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)
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Tags: apples fruit dessert apple pie apple dessert fruit cakes and pies

Recipe Review

7th September 2012

friederike from Berlin,

So-so, for 3 reasons:

1. Even after being in the fridge for more than 30 minutes, the dough was far too soft to roll it out properly. I had the idea that the consistency just wasn't right. I would guess that this dough is a crumble type of dough. Coincidentally, I just made Ottolenghi's one half an hour before to make Fennel, Cherry Tomato and Crumble Gratin (yes, I know, bad prep - if I had thought about it in time, I just have made a double portion of one of them), and it's nearly exactly the same recipe, only that this one uses an egg on top of all the other ingredients. That's probably the reason it was too soft.

2. It was just boring. Slightly too sour, but other than that, absolutely nothing happened. As this is a dish for 8 servings, I used only a quarter of the dough for the two of us tonight, and I will probably experiment with adding spices in the next few days.

3. Proportion (didn't we already have that? See point 1.). Theoretically, I should have used 250g apples for the two of us. That would have been just little more than half an apple per person - far too little, in my opinion! So I used two apples (400g) instead, with the consequence that it could have used a bit more dough. Positive aspect: because we had so much apple, we had both cooked, jellied apple and crisp, fresh apple, which we liked. I'll see if we think half an apple is enough next time.

Served with Fennel, Cherry Tomato and Crumble Gratin, but of course you already knew that.

Edited 2 days later:
We had an apple pie party today, as we figured we'd have to throw away the dough if we didn't. I made 3 versions: one with sugar, lemon juice and ground cardamom, one with preserved ginger and syrup, and one with sugar, tarragon and Marsala. Thyme or rosemary also would have worked well.

Generally speaking, the flavours all went well, but weren't as strong in the baked pie as I had expected, with the possible exception of the ginger one. Also, I used one apple each, which meant I had more or less the propotions aimed for in the recipe - as expected, it was too much dough. I was more or less forced to make a crumble topping, as the dough was either far too hard or far too sticky to roll out. And definitely use enough sugar with the apples, they will be sour otherwise.

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