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A Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking

Chocolate Honey Cake

Page 131

Cuisine: Jewish | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)
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Tags: oil cake cocoa cake Rosh Hashanah

Recipe Review

19th September 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

Chocolate and honey come together to make this moist cake with complex flavours that include chocolate and honey of course, but also a little caramel, a touch of cinnamon and a hint of coffee.

All you need is 2 bowls, some baking staples and a spoon to produce this tasty, oil-based cake. Extracting it from the ungreased tube pan is the trickiest part but the more I bake with Marcy Goldman – she certainly likes her tube pans : ) - the better I get at it. Next time I’ll omit the chocolate garnish as that made removal more difficult; a chocolate glaze could be used instead though the cake doesn’t really need it.

This turned out to be far more delicious than I had anticipated as I’m not a huge fan of honey cake. It’s a great choice for a crowd as it’s large and thin slices hold up well. It provided a nice bit of chocolate at the end of a large meal.

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