Joy the Baker Cookbook: 100 Simple and Comforting Recipes
Recipe Review
Zosia from Toronto, ON
More like miniature frosted pumpkin cakes than cookies, every bite delivers a different flavour sensation…… there’s the spicy bite of cookie with cinnamon glaze, the chocolate-y bite with just a hint of pumpkin spice, or the bite that’s the perfect balance of cinnamon, chocolate and pumpkin.
The cookie “dough” was more of a thick, oil-based cake batter; it didn’t spread during baking so it’s important to follow the author’s directions to spread the batter before baking. I found that a wet off-set spatula did the job easily.
Storage was a little bit of a problem..... the cinnamon glaze, a confectioner’s sugar based icing, which tasted surprisingly good with this cookie, became soft and tacky in an airtight container, and the chocolate ganache lost its gloss in the fridge. The solution: eat them immediately! (or wrap them individually as per the author’s suggestion)
The cookies were a little labour intensive but they were very good.
Queezle_Sister - 7th November 2012
I like the idea of eating these immediately.
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