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A Celebration of Soup: With Classic Recipes from Around the World (Cookery Library)

Curried Parsnip Soup

Page 229

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


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9th October 2012

Sovay from Northern England,

It's surprising how often I find myself with a parsnip in the veg rack, considering how much I dislike them. Up to now I've hidden them in a mixed root vegetable soup, but this time I decided to try Jane Grigson's recipe for Parsnip Soup That Doesn't Taste Like Parsnip, and was delighted to find that it really doesn't taste like parsnip! I'll certainly make it again, when I shall probably: omit the flour; omit the cream unless I happen to have some in anyway; add lemon juice (everything's better with lemon); and cook the potato in larger chunks that I can fish out and sieve or mash (I processed the potato with the rest of the veg this time which made the texture a bit iffy).

eta - I made a second batch with amendments and found that: texture was much better with sieved potato - it's more work but the basic method is so quick that this didn't bother me; lemon juice (about half a small lemon) was an improvement; and I didn't miss the flour but did miss the cream (though probably not enough to buy it specially).

(edited 15th October 2012) (1) comment (1) useful  

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