The Enchanted Broccoli Forest...and Other Timeless Delicacies
Quiche Formula
Page 131
Recipe Review
robing from Vancouver, BC
I love quiche but don't actually make it very often. When I do, I get lazy and buy a pre-made/frozen crust, to which I add my own filling. But as much as I love quiche, I can never remember how to make it (I guess my brain is crammed with other arcane bits of information), and I always end up back at EBF's recipe for quiche fillings.
This recipe is the only I've ever seen that clearly explains what causes a crust to get soggy - it's all about the cheese, and the sequence of filling. it also gives some great suggestions in case you want to get creative with filling ingredients.
I have yet to try using sour cream - mmmm - maybe tonight!
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