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The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook

Smoky Deviled Eggs with Crisped Jamon and Smashed Marconas

Page 290

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Recipe Review

7th April 2013

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Excellent deviled eggs! These are not spicy, but they have an excellent flavor. This starts out like a regular deviled egg -- mayo and mustard -- but then you add lemon juice (brilliant), olive oil, minced garlic, and smoked paprika. Just before serving, you sprinkle crunchy ham, almonds, and more smoked paprika.

I took several shortcuts - used ham from the freezer - left over from Christmas - not the thinly sliced deli ham. I used raw almonds, which I toasted but did not blanch (in place of Marcona). And I think my smoked paprika is running out of umph.

Nevertheless, these were amazing. I wouldn't hesitate to prepare these for a fancy party, or to satisfy a craving.

(1) useful  


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