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Simply Ming: Easy Techniques for East-Meets-West Meals

Miso-Citrus Marinade

Page 144

Cuisine: Fusion | Course Type: Sauces/Gravies

(1 review)


Recipe Review

1st July 2015

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

This marinade was wonderful - with sake, ponzu, white miso, and fresh ginger. In place of sake, I used Shaoxing wine (suggested on several food sites, such as chowhounds), and I realized once committed to the recipe that I had the wrong type of Ponzu. The recipe specifies ponzu that is not prepared with soy sauce. So, because ponzu provides a citrus flavor, I substituted fresh grapefruit juice.

Note that as with other recipes in this book, this recipe makes a lot of marinade. I prepared less than 1/2 batch, and it was plenty for about 1.5 lbs of salmon.

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