Website: Sprouted Kitchen

Pumpkin Black Bean Patties


(2 reviews)


Recipe Review

3rd December 2012

kfranzetta from San Francisco, CA

These are very tasty veggie burgers. As suggested, I ate mine on salad greens, so I wasn't disappointed when the burger fell apart. These burgers did stay together through cooking, which is an improvement over many other veggie burger recipes I have tried. I will make these again.

(1) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 3rd December 2012
This recipe keeps calling out to me, it does look very tasty. thanks so much for reviewing -- any changes you can suggest?


kfranzetta - 5th December 2012
I made no modifications to the recipe and was very happy with how the patties came out. The recipe does make four very large patties with soft insides. If you wanted a crunchier texture, you could perhaps decrease the size to get five patties out of the mixture.


Queezle_Sister - 5th December 2012
I have some black beans soaking, and cannot wait to try this. Thanks for your advice.


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