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Maida Heatter's Book of Great Cookies
By Maida Heatter
Knopf - 1977
ISBN: 0394410211

Maida Heatter's Cookies (Maida Heatter Classic Library)

Rugelach (Walnut Horns)

Page 188

Cuisine: Jewish | Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(1 review)


Recipe Review

16th December 2012

kateq from annapolis, md

I have been on a rugulah/rugelach mission and have decided that this recipe for the dough is the best. It is so simple and straightforward and very easy to roll out. I have determined that a technique recommended by Carol Walter in her book, "Great Cookies," is invaluable in making great rugelach--that is to mix flour and confectioner's sugar and use that to roll out the dough. I also skip the melted butter in the filling. I find these pastries to be absolutely luscious and absolutely sufficiently rich without the added butter. I also find that substituting some seedless raspberry jam for the raisins makes for a filling equally as good as the raisin filling. This is also delicious as "schnecken" or snails---roll the dough out into a rectangle, spread with the filling, and roll like a log. Slice into one inch 'snails' and chill, then paint with the glaze, top with sanding sugar and bake. Terrific two-bite pastries perfect for parties and buffets.

(1) useful  


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