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In My Kitchen: 100 Recipes and Discoveries for Passionate Cooks

Refrigerator Pickles: Cauliflower, Carrots, Cukes, You Name It

Page 16

| Course Type: Appetizers

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Recipe Review

7th January 2013

southerncooker from Boomer, NC

Wow I love this. I love almost anything pickled and enjoy getting the jars of Giardiniera but it's expensive. Now I can make my own at home. This makes about 2 quarts but instead of putting in jars I just made mine in a small crock I bought a couple years ago at a yard sale. I covered it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. They started tasting good in a few hours but the next day were fantastic. Even my son loved the cukes in this. I used the veggies in the recipe, Kirby cucumbers, carrots, green beans, cauliflower and a couple of jalapeƱos. Hot red chilies are also mentioned instead of jalapeƱos but I couldn't find any in our local market the day I went. I did use the option a pink peppercorns since I had some my sister gave me. We can get fresh dill now in a pack called a recipe size for 99 cents so I just tossed in the whole pack since it says several sprigs. I'll be making this often to snack on. Next time I might even add some celery. The author also suggests you might add turnips, onions (baby onions would be great), green tomatoes, asparagus, watermelon rind and even apples. I'm not to sure about the apples or watermelon rind.

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