Soup of the Day (Williams-Sonoma): 365 Recipes for Every Day of the Year
Veggie-Lentil Soup with Spinach and Sherry
Page 30
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Review
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
This was very quick with a nice depth of flavor achieved in a relatively short cooking time.
I do make one small change in technique to deepen the flavor when the cooking time is fairly short as it is here, adding the spices (cumin and smoked paprika) to the onions and other veggies as they are sauteed, rather than adding them later with the tomatoes and broth as the recipe directs.
Would be just as good without the spinach. Very good healthy eating even with the ancient lentils I pulled out from the back of the pantry.
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