Crockery: Dinners (Great Recipes Collection)
Asian Beef
Page 126
| Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Review
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
This extremely easy recipe produced a decent dish. Round stak is sliced into strips, and cooked with tomatoes, soy sauce, cider vinegar, and garlic. We used the optional high setting (3 hr) rather than let this cook all day. Ath the end, broccoli florets are added and cooked a bit. It was served with linguine.
My 17 yr old son wanted an easy crock pot recipe, and we borrowed this book from the library to give us a few more options. The sauce seemed a bit too strong, and I think it overpowered the round steak. But it certainly fulfilled the desire for quick food preparation.
I should also say that the flavor profile was not particularly Asian. A bit of soy sauce was the only nod this recipe made toward the east.
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