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The Olive and the Caper: Adventures in Greek Cooking

Pita Bread

Page 134

Cuisine: Greek | Course Type: Breads

(1 review)
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Recipe Review

6th February 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

These pocket-less pitas tasted nothing like the cardboard that’s sold in grocery stores: soft and pillowy when freshly baked or golden and crispy when grilled, either way they tasted great.

I decided to make the more rustic pita, using ½ whole wheat flour, an alternative mentioned in the recipe notes. It seemed to call for a lot of (too much?) yeast so used only half the amount. The dough was very easy to make and work with; even rolling it into thin rounds wasn’t difficult as it wasn’t very sticky or elastic.

The flat breads were supposed to remain soft and pliable, not crisp, after baking so I baked them in the middle of the oven on a silpat-lined cookie sheet without a baking stone which seemed to work. They puffed up during baking but the pocket on all but the few I over-baked - I let them get a little too brown and crisp – resealed upon cooling. Next time, I’ll make them smaller as the 8-9” size is actually very, very large.

I served them with these lamb kebabs and they made great pizza crusts for individual sized pizzas.

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