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A Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking

Almost-Like-a-Bakery Traditional Hamantaschen

Page 227

| Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(1 review)
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Tags: Purim

Recipe Review

26th February 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

Delicious crisp, golden cookies that hold a filling of your choice. The cookie has a neutral flavour that allows the filling to shine.

I found the amount of dough the recipe makes a little daunting until I read the author’s notes on the “Hamantaschen production line” which give excellent advice about making both dough and fillings ahead and storing them in workable sized portions. So, I made the full batch of dough and froze half.

The dough is quite unusual…..a cross between a sugar cookie dough and a thick, coffee cake batter when it’s first made and though it firms up after refrigeration, it remains rather soft and pliable. Regardless, it’s very easy to work with and requires very little flour to prevent sticking during rolling.

It bakes into lovely, crunchy, vanilla-flavoured cookies that don’t go soggy even with a moist fruit filling. I filled half with this blueberry filling, and half with nutella.

Mar 22
Made another Nutella-filled batch, this time with the optional egg wash. Cookies had a shiny, golden-coloured finish....much prettier than the first batch. Definitely won't skip that step next time.

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