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The Olive and the Caper: Adventures in Greek Cooking

Sesame Soup with Olives and Basil

Page 164

Cuisine: Greek | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Review

19th March 2013

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

I started with half of the water as I have found her soups too thin. Otherwise I followed the recipe exactly. It cooked smoothly until I added the tahini mixture and it acted just like a Yellowstone mud pot, so I thinned it somewhat with boiling water from my electric kettle. This sounded strange, but we loved the chewiness of the arborio rice, the flavor of the soup base, and definitely the saltiness of the olive garnish really made this soup work. The large amount of tahini made a great filling Lenten soup. I will repeat this surprisingly delicious soup.

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