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The Olive and the Caper: Adventures in Greek Cooking

Easter Bread with Red Eggs/Tsoureki

Page 139

Cuisine: Greek | Course Type: Breads

(2 reviews)
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Tags: challenge easter 2013

Recipe Review

31st March 2013

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

An excellent, rich, and slightly exotic flavored bread -- this one is a winner.

The dough came together nicely, and all the times (rising, etc) seemed accurate. I was unable to find Mahlepi, although my DH has now pointed out that we have a Mediterranean store on the opposite side of town, so I might repeat if I find it. I added a bit more mastic than called for because that was what I ended up with after grinding a large nugget. The loaves rose more than I had expected, and you will see that they cooked together (photo 3), but easily separated out of the oven.

I braided one load, and my 14 yr old daughter the other, and I bet you cannot tell them apart. I didn't bother with the egg wash (substituted milk) or the almonds, its quite yummy just the way it is. Very nice sliced, lightly toasted, with a cup of coffee on an easter morning.

(1) useful  


Peckish Sister - 1st April 2013
Did you add boiled dyed eggs to your loaves?


Queezle_Sister - 2nd April 2013
No - I couldn't understand baking a hard-boiled egg. We liked it just fine as a lovely braided bread.


Peckish Sister - 2nd April 2013
These lovely loaves show up in church every year and I could never understand baking a boiled egg either. But now that I have such great directions I plan to make loaves for our baskets this year when we have our Easter.


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