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The Olive and the Caper: Adventures in Greek Cooking

Easter Cheese Tartlets with Sour Lemon Icing/Melitinia

Page 523

Cuisine: Greek | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

(1 review)
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Tags: goat cheese Easter feta cheese

Recipe Review

27th March 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

These are lovely little tarts with a crisp flaky crust and a sweet but tangy cheese filling. They were a little tricky to make – I have a long way to go before I can do 20 flutes – but so delicious.

I made the dough with clarified butter I had on hand; it was very easy to mix and roll out. However, I found that it dried out very quickly and was unable to re-roll the scraps, though kneading more water into it might have helped. It turns out I didn’t need to as I was able to make 40 tartlets and use up the filling with the first rolling. Moistening the edge of the dough round with water was very effective as a glue for the flutes….some of the tart shells formed without the water opened up during baking (these are the ones I let my family taste…the rest are for a get together on Saturday). The food processor made short work of the filling. Really, the only time consuming part was shaping the shells, (I know I didn't do this correctly), which was much easier for me to do before the filling was added.

I quite enjoyed them before they were iced…the cheese and mastic flavours were very subtle and with the sour lemon glaze, they tasted more lemony than cheese-y, but very good either way.

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