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Anne Willan's Cook It Right

Salmon and Scallop Terrine w/ Ginger Sauce

Page 37

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Appetizers

(1 review)
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Recipe Review

12th April 2013

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

For fish lovers, this is a lovely first course for a special occasion. It is exceptionally pretty especially with the ginger butter sauce. This was a team project for soupereasy and myself, and we both agreed an extra pair of hands is helpful.

We omitted the truffles the recipe called for, and next time we would increase the ginger and omit the onion from the ginger butter sauce, using only the shallot the recipe called for. Total prep time is about two hours and the finished terrine can be served warm with the ginger sauce or chilled with a "piquant mayonnaise." We served this with a sparkling rosé.

The recipe, like most of Anne Willan's is exceptionally clear and well-written.

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