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Cook This Now: 120 Easy and Delectable Dishes You Can't Wait to Make

Grilled sausages with celery root salad with hazelnuts and arugula

Page 40

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

23rd April 2013

wester from Soesterberg, Utr

This was a nice salad, fresh and summery (my husbands words) at a time of year when fresh produce is not that abundant yet while you do want it to be. The hazelnuts work really well with the celeriac. I used butter lettuce and a handful of parsley instead of the arugula, which worked fine. I do think I wouldn't mind some mustardy mayonnaise instead of the vinaigrette. I did not think the sausages had any special interaction with the salad, I think any meat would work as well. Or cheese or eggs.

I liked it very much that she said how large the celeriac should be. I had suspected for a while that Dutch celeriacs might be bigger than American ones, and now I'm sure. One Dutch celeriac should count as two or three foreign ones.

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