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The Best Vegetarian Recipes: From Greens to Grains, from Soups to Salads: 200 Bold Flavored Recipes

Stir-Fried Tofu with Asparagus and Mushrooms

Page 272

| Course Type: Main Courses

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27th April 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

We really enjoyed this stir fry. The tofu in particular had great flavour, having first spent the night in a simple marinade and then absorbed more from the garlic, ginger and (optional) chili pepper during cooking. However, there wasn’t enough of the marinade to form the sauce so I mixed up a second batch and added it to the water-cornstarch slurry.

I appreciated some of the cooking techniques used to make this dish: sweating the mushrooms first in a hot pan with a little salt meant they didn’t absorb much fat, and blanching the asparagus ensured that it remained crisp and bright green.

Delicious as is but would also be great with broccoli instead of asparagus.

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