The Mushroom Feast
By Jane Grigson
Penguin Books - 1983
ISBN: 0140462732

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The Mushroom Feast

Concombres aux Champignons et a la Creme

Page 122

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


Recipe Review

28th May 2013

Sovay from Northern England,

Not the most obvious combination but it really works - cooking intensifies the flavour of the cucumber so it can hold its own with the mushrooms. I couldn't bring myself to put the oven on for an hour to cook one cucumber so I braised it on the hob, which worked fine and was a lot quicker - took about 20 minutes. The recipe suggests either dill or basil as an accompanying herb; I used basil simply because I had some to hand. Next time I may try omitting the herbs but using tarragon vinegar for the initial marination as I think that will work with both the cucumber and mushrooms. I recommend keeping an eye on the cream and mushroom sauce towards the end as it's easy to over-reduce - I had to add a drop of boiling water at the last minute.

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