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Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen: Capturing the Vibrant flavors of a World-Class Cuisine

Seafood Rice Cazuela with Jalapeños and Roasted Tomatoes

Page 339

Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Recipe Review

11th June 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

Rick Bayless describes this as a “brothy paella”, and this soup, with its richly flavoured broth, perfectly cooked seafood (even the squid was tender!) and al dente rice certainly does have some things in common with paella but with a very distinctly Mexican twist – a tomato-jalapeño salsa that adds bright flavour and heat.

Once the prep work of making the salsa and cooking the rice and the squid is done, all of which can be done in advance, the soup takes just a few minutes to finish. I added clam juice instead of the squid cooking water to the broth but otherwise made the recipe as written using shrimp, clams, cod and squid; I do think it would be fabulous with whatever fish and seafood is fresh that day.

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