Website: All Recipes
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Beverages
Recipe Review
BethNH from , NH
2013 is the summer of the cocktail at our house! We've been enjoying new cocktails on at least a weekly basis.
This is a very refreshing summer drink made with ginger ale, vodka, cranberry juice and lemon. We've substituted lime because that's what we always have on hand. It's light and a bit fruity and very delicious.
Queezle_Sister - 17th July 2013
My house is into cocktails this year, too! Its a lot of fun, isn't it?
BethNH - 18th July 2013
It's been a terrible summer here with scorching heat so the cocktails have made things much more enjoyable.
Queezle_Sister - 19th July 2013
Yes, nothing like sipping something delicious, and slipping into a slightly foggy state, to deal with the heat!
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