Website: BBC Good Food

Grilled Salmon with Lemon Courgettes


| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

21st April 2010

friederike from Berlin,

Ah, another variant on the 'grilled salmon steak with vegetables and potato'-theme; see my Grilled Salmon with Watercress Cream Sauce for more on that. This one was extremely delicious - the best one so far!

It did have two deficits, though - you won't need 2 courgettes for 2 people, 1 or 1 1/2 are enough, and it took us more than 3 minutes to cook the courgettes, 20 minutes or so was more realistic. That's not really a problem, though, as long as you know it. The moment you've set the potatoes to cook, begin with slicing the courgettes and start frying them immediately. Then you'll have a great dinner ready in 20-25 min total cooking time.

Crosspost. Exact the same recipe was also published in the Olive: 101 Quick-fix Dishes cookbook.

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