660 Curries
Mango, Bell Pepper, and Onion in a Pigeon Pea Sauce
Page 445
Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Review
I really wanted to like this but all there was was HEAT. Very spicy, flavors didn't really melt. Better the second day and with more salt, but I should have known better than to use 4 Serrano chilies. I usually cut them down by half at least in recipes I've tried before from this book, but I was trying to use everything the recipe called for since this was my first attempt at this recipe. I don't think I'll make it again.
Got the hardest, greenest Mango I could find. It was ripe and not unripe. Not sure if this would affect the taste. Also used 1 tsp. ground cardamom instead of the 6 pods as I can't find them in my small city.
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