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Cooking to Impress

Pears in Parma Ham / Birnen im Parmaschinken

Page 17

| Course Type: Appetizers

(1 review)

Tags: pears appetizer ham parma

Recipe Review

5th November 2013

friederike from Berlin,

I thought they were quite nice, but DH thought melons would have been better, as the fresh and sweet flavour of melons complements the saltiness of the parma ham better than the sweet flavour of the pears does. Also, melons usually have more texture, at least more than our overripe pears had.

One caveat: because the pears were overripe (and grilling didn't make that better) they weren't very easy to eat; we were happy to have a toddler among us to make us feel less bad about our occasional manner failings.

Served with Vodka-flamed Chorizo as an appetizer.

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