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Other edition(s)

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Penguin UK - 1993
ISBN: 0140469494

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Michael Joseph Ltd - 1992
ISBN: 0718135776

Real Fast Food: 350 Recipes Ready-to-Eat in 30 Minutes
By Nigel Slater, Nigella Lawson
Overlook TP - 2008
ISBN: 1590201159

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Overlook TP - 2003
ISBN: 1585674370

Real Fast Food
By Nigel Slater
Penguin Books Ltd - 2006
ISBN: 0141029803

Real Fast Food: 350 Recipes Ready-to-Eat in 30 Minutes

Fragrant Brown Basmati Rice

Page 203

| Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


Recipe Review

6th April 2014


- The recipe says it serves 4 as a side. I made a half recipe for 2 and we found it still too much. Think you'd get 6 servings from a whole recipe.

- The recipe has you fry whole spices till fragrant, along with ground turmeric. My turmeric was burnt before the whole spices were nicely fragrant. I dumped out the pan and wiped it out with a paper towel then started again, stirring the turmeric in when the rice was added later. The resulting dish was a bit oddly flavored. I'm not sure if there was still a residue from the burnt turmeric or if the turmeric missed being fried a bit. Will see how it goes another time.

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