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French Leave: A Wonderful Year of Escape and Discovery

Salmon Steaks Grilled with Tarragon Butter

Page 172

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: salmon tarragon butter flavoured butter

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25th May 2014

friederike from Berlin,

It's not so much a recipe for a main dish but rather the recipe for the tarragon butter that's interesting here - I guess anyone will know how to fry or grill a salmon steak (actually that was one of the first things I learned to cook).

The tarragon is very delicious, but it's more a shallot-and-garlic-butter with a little tarragon added into the mix. I'm not quite sure the lemon juice is really necessary, as the vinegar already supplies quite a bit of acidity. It's very nice on salmon, and it would probably work equally well with grilled chicken, or fried cod (it's also very nice with a slice of sourdough and a soft-boiled egg, as I just found out).

Remember to prepare it far enough in advance as the butter needs to chill before use. It's probably be way more butter than you need even for 6 servings, but it's very versatile and should keep for a few weeks in your fridge.

(edited 1st August 2017) (0) comment (2) useful  

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