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Delia's Frugal Food
By Delia Smith
- 2008
ISBN: 034091856X

Frugal Food (Coronet Books)

Porc au chou

Page 96

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


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4th June 2014

Sovay from Northern England,

Simple but good - the cider, bacon and juniper combine wonderfully with the pork and cabbage. The only drawback is that as Delia admits, it's not a pretty dish (she suggests a sprinkle of parsley but that doesn't help much).

The cabbage doesn't really count towards one's Five a Day (or however many it is now) after the long slow cooking, but I found that an accompaniment of more cabbage, lightly steamed, made a fine contract in taste and texture.

Page number is probably not correct for the edition given as my copy is the original 1970s paperback (and cost £1.25 which even at the time was sensibly frugal. Current edition costs £17.99!)

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