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Rose's Heavenly Cakes

Banana Refrigerator Cake with Dreamy Creamy White Chocolate Frosting

Page 133

| Course Type: Cakes

(2 reviews)
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Recipe Review

8th June 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

A very moist, oil-based banana cake with a white chocolate, cream cheese frosting.

What I liked about the cake:
- lovely, tender crumb
- both cake and frosting remain soft at refrigerator temperature
- it has my preferred cake:frosting ratio (ie lots of cake, very little frosting)

What I didn’t care for:
- the banana flavour takes a back seat to the lemon rind in the cake, and the almond extract in the frosting
- based on Andrew’s review, I made sure to use a cake strip but the cake still domed
- the recipe calls for a lot of heavy machinery that I’m not sure is necessary - the food processor twice!! (once for the bananas and again for the frosting) and the stand mixer for the cake

The texture of this cake is beautiful, and the flavour has the potential to be fabulous with 1 small adjustment so I would definitely make it again but perhaps pair it with a milk chocolate frosting instead.

(1) useful  


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