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Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen

Citrus-Glazed Polenta Cake (Torta di Polenta con Agrumi)

Page 86

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Review

13th May 2010

JustLaura from , CO

Everyone loved this when I served it on Mother's Day. But I found it difficult to make (thus the 4 rating). In fact I made two since my first one fell so badly even though I cooked it longer than the recipe said and the toothpick came out clean. I had enough ingredients so I made it again the next morning with the same result only not quite as bad. If I make it one more time will it work? Actually once the glaze was on it, it did look ok and no one could tell it had fallen but me when looking at it. But after all of that work it would have been nice to have had a pretty cake.

(1) useful  


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