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The Top One Hundred Pasta Sauces

Pasta e Piselli con la Pancetta (Pasta with Peas and Bacon)

Page 69

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

13th May 2010

The Ducks Guts from Melbourne, Vic

Another good recipe for ingredients that will keep a while (helps if you only want to shop once a week or fortnight). I only use 1 onion instead of the 2 cups of chopped onion and often only use ordinary strong chedder for the cheese, but it still works. I also change the method around a bit, cooking the peas and bacon seperately to the pasta and then mixing it all together just before serving. I find cooking the pasta with the peas and bacon as she recommends makes it very slightly gluggy, but that is a personal preference.

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