Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza

Harvest Bread with Poolish
Page 103
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breads
Recipe Review
I'm giving this a 5 star review even tho the bread I produced was probably only about 3 1/2 to 4 stars. Like all the recipes in this book, the instructions are thorough and there are plenty of photos to help you along. I know what I did wrong (rushed the process) and I definitely know better, but the flavor was still fantastic! Using a poolish along with the combination of wheat flour, bran and germ gives this bread a nice nutty, complex flavor. All the breads I have made from this book have been great and this one will certainly be a repeat. I halved this recipe.
Update: I have since made this with excellent results! I really like coating the proofing baskets with bran for some extra flavor and crunch.
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