Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza

Overnight Pizza Dough with Levain
Page 222
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breads
Recipe Review
This produced a wonderful pizza! The dough was easy to work with, the directions are clear and concise, and the flavor/texture were superior to any dough I have made at home (and many crust I have had at restaurants!). I suggest following the time line provided to avoid any late night work (I got started late and found myself mixing dough at 11pm). I did throw everything in the fridge after the second step- Mix the final dough, but could not hang in there waiting for the "first fold" step (30 minutes after the mix). The next morning I took the dough out of the fridge, allowing to come to room temp (2 hours) and proceeded with the folding step. The best part is I have 4 more crusts waiting in the fridge and I suspect after an overnight rest the flavor will be even better.
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