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King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking: Delicious Recipes Using Nutritious Whole Grains

Carrot Cake

Page 419

| Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Review

19th December 2014


I made this as standard and mini cupcakes/muffins for better portion control with my kids. They taste great and I don't think anyone would know that all the flour was whole grain. They didn't rise very high, but I think that's because I mixed the batter manually with a spoon instead of a mixer because I didn't want to wake up my sleeping kids.

(2) useful  


Catbatty - 24th December 2014
I don't think ours rise much either. This is my husband's go-to recipe for cupcakes. I think he mixes by hand, too. He doesn't frost them. They make for a nice treat (sans guilt) and the whole wheat and carrots aren't really noticed--tastes more like a brown sugar or honey cake, to me.

(edited 24th December 2014) 

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