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Lorenza's Pasta: 200 Recipes for Family and Friends

Fusilli alla Siciliana

Page 99

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

6th January 2015


A tasty pasta dish, can be considered a one-dish meal, but goes nice with a salad.

- I usually make a half recipe for two, with 3-4cups of cauliflower bits.
-Sometimes I boil the cauliflower first, remove them with a spider, then boil the pasta.
- Green or mixed color pasta is pretty, otherwise it's white, white and black with a tiny bit of green (parsley).
- If you keep them out of the kitchen, people who say they don't like anchovies will still like the sauce. The smell a bit when they first go in the oil, but they dissolve and leave only a complex sort of taste.

This is a good dish when you've got a bit of cauliflower to use up.

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