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The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accessories

Chocolate Ice Cream, Philadelphia-Style

Page 28

Cuisine: Other | Course Type: Desserts

(2 reviews)


Recipe Review

20th June 2010

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

I made this with semi-sweet chocolate, as I didn't have unsweetened. It made a very dark, very 'adult' tasting chocolate ice cream. I can only imagine it would have been even darker with the unsweetened chocolate the recipe calls for.

I liked it a lot. My daughters took a little while to come around, as it was not quite as sweet as they're used to, even a hint of bitterness - it's really for chocolate lovers. I like also that it's Philadelphia-style, which makes for a faster creation. A definite keeper.

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