Madhur Jaffrey's Quick & Easy Indian Cooking
Rice with Mushrooms and Mustard Seeds
Page 102
Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Sides
Recipe Review
I was a bit surprised to find a rice recipe in this book that I hadn't yet tried. Having some shiitakes needing to be used, I made this. For two, I used 1/4 of the rice asked (thus 1/2 cup) with about 1/2 of the rest of the spices and shrooms.
The result was tasty, not at all spicy, and would be fine with any kind of a meal.
The recipe as written, with 2 cups of long-grain rice, is supposed to served 4-5. I used only 1/2 cup rice for two and it made an enormous amoung (as expected). This would have serve 3-4 easily. Something's wrong with the quantity, but the taste was fine.
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