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Gluten-Free Flour Power: Bringing Your Favorite Foods Back to the Table

Pizza Dough

Page 113

| Course Type: Breads

(1 review)


Recipe Review

11th January 2016


Though this is a sticky, messy dough I found it to be one of the better GF pizza crusts I have made. The instructions for shaping the dough are a little confusing and I ended up doing what I thought was best. Also there are some edits required - for example the directions state to heat the oven to 500, then after many instructions on shaping the dough, at the very end of the paragraph, it says to allow the dough to rest an additional 3 hours (I don't want my oven sitting at 500 degrees while my dough is still rising for hours!). The crust cooked on the pizza stone came out crisp and slightly browned on the bottom (which is sometimes a difficult acheivement with GF flours). The flavor and texture were nice and like any good crust allowed the toppings to shine. I also made one thick crust pizza in very well oiled pan (grandma style) which also came out great - the oil really got the bottom and sides well browned, crisp and slightly chewy.

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