Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook

Lentils and Rice with Caramelized Onions and Spiced Pita Crisps
Page 177
Recipe Review
Jayme from Vancouver, BC
The stuff that went with the lentils was perfect, like the caramelized onions and the spiced pita crisps, but those are the easy part. The lentils came out a little goopy and bland. If I did it again, I'd do a different type of lentil and more spices.
Leeka - 26th June 2011
Jayme, I agree about the caramelized onions - fantastic! But I had real problems with the rice and lentils too. Mine were like mush and very bland. I'm not sure what I did wrong something is definitely off.
Jayme - 26th June 2011
My friend made this too and had the same problem, so it can't be us!
Leeka - 26th June 2011
Whew! I was so surprised at how awful the mush was that I couldn't bear to review the recipe. I thought I must have done something terribly wrong. It's good to know it wasn't just me.
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