The Bombay Cafe
By Neela Paniz
Ten Speed Press - 1998
ISBN: 0898159350

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The Bombay Cafe

Potatoes and Green Peas with Cumin (Sukhe Aloo Mattar)

Page 164

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


Recipe Review

25th September 2010


This is the first recipe I've tried for this book and we were very pleased. It was very easy and very tasty. I thought it was a trifle salty, but my husband thought it was fine. (He usually likes a bit more salt than I do.)

I was a bit short on the potatoes (1# instead of 1-1/4#), but otherwise made a full recipe. The two of us ate all of it as part of a simple meal with fish. I'd guess it serves 3-4 (rather than 6-8) in a bigger meal, with all the potatoes.

I did reduce the cayenne from 3/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp, but that's probably not necessary, especially if there were more potatoes.

Except for the potatoes, these are ingredients that are always in-house, so it's a nice recipe to have available.

(1) useful  


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