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Rick Bayless's Mexican Kitchen: Capturing the Vibrant flavors of a World-Class Cuisine

Chicken Broth

Page 137

Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Review

5th May 2012

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

This is a simple chicken broth - not too different from most. A cut up chicken is simmered with bay leaves (3), a white onion, pepper, thyme, and marjoram. You are instructed to cook it for two hours.

Be sure to use a large pot - I wished I had used more water. After cooling over night, the broth had congealed, the fat easily removed, and the flavor is good.

Note that there is no salt called for in this recipe. You might want to remember that as you use this in the various recipes in this book.

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