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Brined Pork Tenderloin

Page 64

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

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Recipe Review

19th September 2010


Delicious. I'm a big pork tenderloin fan and have tried lots of recipes. This one is easy, with two exceptions -- the brine and the cured lemons. I recommend the cured lemons whole heartedly, but am not sure if the brine is worth the effort.

Keller's recipe stands apart because of the cured lemons. Go the whole nine yards and make the cured lemons in advance. They are well worth the effort and add a unique, exciting taste to the pork. I used Keller's recipe, but made a half batch of the lemons. I can't wait to find more uses for the leftover cured lemons.

I also made the pork brine, and found the pork very slightly over salted. Even with Diamond Crystal, I would recommend cutting the salt by 10% (I may have sprinkled too much salt on before searing, so that may have been the problem). At the end of the day, I'm not sure if the brine is worth the effort. I might do brine and no brine pork side by side in the future so I can see if it really makes a big enough difference to warrant the extra step.

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